Inclusive Excellence Commitment

By becoming an Inclusive Excellence Committed organisation, you are agreeing to commit to the following:

Review your policies and procedures 

Ensure policies and procedures: 

  • demonstrate compliance with legislation 
  • are designed to prevent discrimination 
  • instil confidence that people will be treated fairly, with dignity and respect

Review the accessibility of your buildings, services, and information materials

Ensure buildings, services, and information materials:

  • demonstrate compliance with legislation 
  • provide equal opportunities for all 

Seek the views of your workforce


  • a range of methods are in place for seeking staff views 
  • all staff have the opportunity to share their experiences and perspectives
  • staff are informed of how their feedback will be used to make improvements

Provide learning and development opportunities for your workforce


  • a range of different learning and development opportunities are available
  • learning and development opportunities are accessible for all employees

Develop a strategy or action plan for equality, diversity, inclusion, and equity


  • staff are engaged in the planning and implementation process 
  • actions are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound
  • plans are in place to evaluate the impact 
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